Monday, October 18, 2010

take heed..this child is not MY seed

I've blogged about this book before but I never really got into the concept and how we relate. This novel is not like the movie, "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie. This book deals with the fairy aspect of the close yet far away fantasy worlds. 


You wake to find your child is missing. After a long search that lasts for several days, you get the call that he/she has been found. At first sight, you feel something isn't right. Yet, this person looks just like your child. The media hype along with the authorities bragging rights are making you bury your doubts inside that this child is not your seed. After days living with this person you know deep within, it's not your child. You go to the police to explain to them that it's not your child and to continue with the search. With much anger, the police brush you off and tell you to go home and enjoy your child. But, in your mind you are like.. he is not MINE. 

This is only a novel, this is true, but it mimics how we treat each other by not taking heed. We don't listen. Our personal agenda always takes center stage. Here this woman is explaining to people NOT familiar with her child beyond pictures and stories heard, that she KNOWS without a shadow of a doubt they gave her the wrong child. Wouldn't she be the one to know for sure if she birthed this child?! Yet, they refuse to listen. Their agenda to prove they are effective left her with a child that wasn't hers just for brownie points.

The title of this book is "The Stolen Child". That wasn't an accident. See, our mind can only grasp what we think are factual possibilities. They couldn't understand how this child was not hers even though he looked just like him. The changeling had been scoping out the boy to switch places with him months in advance. He studied his mannerisms, family member relationships, and stole his memories. I promise you. No matter how much a person tries to mimic another there will always be a sign that something is not right. Question: If your child were missing, would you know it right away if the wrong one was returned to you? And would you be open to believing that something supernatural is involved with their disappearance?

In another world just beyond the brush, her REAL son wakes to a new world in a body he will need an instruction manual to maneuver properly. He finds his new world adventurous and longs to learn more. I guess this leads me to the next question. If your child or loved one was taken from you and placed somewhere else, do you think they would want to come back? Can we tell if those around us are happy or fulfilled with their current life? Would this be a direct reflection of us not giving them our best or do we chalk this up to the child's adventurous spirit?

Are we paying close attention to those around us? I would hope that if any of my kids were taken I'd be able to pinpoint the error right away. Usually parents are like, "I know MY kids". I am not shamed to admit that initially in the heat of the moment I may miss the clues. Time I'm sure will show me otherwise. How about you? 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Repost from Butterfly Effect

I understand that I'm supposed to be loving on myself and what not. But, I'm getting tired of myself. So here I am to share with you a book that I've read recently that had me glued to my seat, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Here is my review...

This book was complicated and filled with Swedish financial jargon in the beginning. This type of information was all new to me so it was extremely hard to get through those first 200 pages. The book trilogy has been translated from Swedish to English so I guess that would explain why it was difficult to understand some of the wording and sayings. Also, the Swedish names and towns were hard to read due to my ignorance of the Swedish culture and language. From the first chapter on it mapped out the geographic locations, character backgrounds and plots meticulously. Although I felt some of this was needed it still was too much for me to take in. However, once you get into the meat of the plot, it really picks up. The character Lisbeth Salander is very complex but at the same time she intrigued me. I wanted more of her character, her life, and her struggles. The book not only produced the back story on Ms. Salander it broached her crafty way of investigating people by getting into their lives via the computer hacking world. If you cross her in any way, you will pay.

Mikael Blomkvist has taken a career hit and has been accused of journalist libel. Soon after he is given the offer of a life time to make a large amount of money, regain his editorial reputation, by solving a murder mystery dating back 40 years. Not having much of a choice given his position in the financial world he takes the offer. For a year he compiles vital new information about Harriet Vanger's disappearance. During this time he is tortured, shot, and kidnapped. Along the way, he brings on Lisbeth Salander who in turn helps him tremendously to uncover more hidden information that will rock the Vanger family and corporation. People this book is full of drama and at times graphic. It has everything. I read the middle of the book in no time. You will probably fly through the pages with no problem once you are introduced to each Vanger family member. I also learned how the financial journalistic world plays a major part with the stock market key players in Sweden. Good stuff. Overall, the book has everything a reader could dream of; mystery, thriller, suspense, love, sex, and of course money.

I found my way over to a website created for him "The Man Behind Lisbeth Salander" Stieg Larsson while reading his book. His personal life before and after his death is very peculiar. He led a dangerous life exposing neo-Nazi activity in Sweden. In 2004, he died of a heart attack before the 3 books were released. His long time partner of 15 years Eva Gabrielsson whom he never married is now fighting his father and brother for managerial control over his books, movie deals, etc. Some even believe he never wrote the books. There is talk of a 4th novel on a laptop that only Ms. Gabrielsson has and she refuses to hand it over. o_O Yeah, weird stuff folks. When you have money/assets, possessions or ideas of value you better get that will poppin' early, or things will get ugly in your passing. Unfortunately, these types of feuds have the ability to surpass the accomplishments and great strives you've achieved in life. *smh*

I'm not sure if I will read part 2 "The Girl Who Played with Fire" because Terry McMillan just came out with her long awaited sequel to "Waiting to Exhale". "Getting to Happy" may get my attention first before I go on to finish the trilogy. I will keep you posted.

Welcome to Simply a Joy..

Months ago I attempted to start a book club on my youtube channel and it didn't work out. A couple of books were suggested to me and at first I was excited about getting into them. However, I couldn't commit to a time frame so we could come back and discuss the book. My time is not my own because I'm a parent so it's difficult for me to pinpoint a definite time I plan to finish a book. Last month I started to pick up my books again probably due to the loss of my ipod. Usually I listen to my music on the train because if my mind is filled with worry or chores I can't focus on book reading. Travel equals reading while silence equals writing. Under certain circumstances I'm able to write while traveling with the right musical stimuli.

This blog will not only be about books I plan to read, but also about books I've read in the past. I will try to make this blogspot interesting and I hope to inspire some readers. After taking a long hiatus from book reading I realized it was harder for me to grasp the material because my mind was steady wondering. This was not due to my troubles but due to the short reads online that kill my attention span. We read all the time. We read statuses, blogs, newspaper articles, notes, and IM messages. These are very different from a 300 plus page novel, we must participate for a longer span of time in order to enjoy the full experience. 

Well, that's about it. I'm open to suggestions. Welcome..